
Projects ( 19 - 27 from 299 )

Crete Valley

Co-funded by the European Union, CRETE VALLEY is a project that will transform the Greek island of Crete into a secure, sustainable, and decentralised energy system. To accelerate a just energy transition, CRETE VALLEY will create a Renewable Energy Valley ‘Living Lab’ (REV-Lab), which will enab...


ENPOWER strives to transform traditional passive energy consumers into active energy citizens enabling them to take full control on their energy usage. The project engages with all the principal actors of the energy value chain, allowing them to achieve energy savings, increase their energy efficien...


Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the MEDiterranean region

CARDIMED aims to instigate systemic transformations in Climate Resilience in the MED Region, by unifying and mainstreaming all initiatives addressing climate adaptation and mitigation through NBS and other engineered infrastructure.


Resilient CLIMATE Financing and Investment Taskforces

CLIMATEFIT aims at supporting innovative financing mechanisms for adaptation to climate change by providing key insight into financing sources and strategies. CLIMATEFIT unites public and private sectors in a transformative quest for climate resilience. We're amplifying EU territories' adaptati...

ICC Phase II

Intelligent Cities Challenge Phase II

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) supports cities to tackle the twin - i.e. green and digital - transition by developing Local Green Deals (LGDs). It provides them with ongoing advisory support and develops a peer-to-peer community. ICC has outlined the following key objectives:
Supporting cit...


Re-Valuing Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality in European Waterfront Cities

Inspired by the New European Bauhaus’ aesthetic approach to sustainability and undertaken to support the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Re-Value takes a holistic approach to urban development considering not only the physical infrastructure but also the well-being of communities ...

Adaptation AGORA

A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation

AGORA aims to enhance collective resilience against climate change by establishing community-based adaptation practices in various social, economic and political contexts.


As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. 
Its main objectives are to:

Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the ...


Rethinking how we move

REALLOCATE transforms streets into inclusive, green, safe and future-proof urban spaces, where communities live and thrive. The project enables researchers, mobility experts,  urban planners and local citizens to collectively re-imagine our cities and redesign how we move from one place to anot...