Publications & tools

Search Result ( 64 - 72 from 226 )

Same, Same, but Different: clarifying the relationship between Local Green Deals and Climate City Contracts as non-regulatory governance innovations

This briefing paper clarifies our understanding of the distinctions between Local Green Deals and Climate City Contracts.

Giving sustainability transitions the right direction: a short story about ICLEI’s work with the notion of the Common Good

ICLEI was founded on the belief that cities are the nucleus for a change towards sustainable development. Although today we have the globally agreed upon Sustainable Development Goals, the debate about what is considered to be sustainable is not concluded. It is obvious that there is an underlying question or even conflict about the access and share of available and ultimately limited resources. There are no easy answers to this question and how to come to social peace or fairness globally, nati...

ICLEI’s Vision on Youth Engagement in Global Climate Action

ICLEI aims to enhance participation of youth in climate action through proactive involvement in the activities of local governments across three pillars: (i) Advocacy, (ii) Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Development; and (iii) Governance.

Clean Fleets Guide to Procuring Clean and Energy Efficient Road Vehicles

The Clean Fleets Life Cycle Cost Calculator is an easy to use tool to allow a comparison of the life cycle costs (LCC)/total costs of ownership (TCO) of different vehicles and bids within a procurement process.
The tool is fully compliant with the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD) (2009/33/EC). It includes the option of applying the the Operational Lifetime Costing methodology from Directive. This methodology monetises the environmental impacts of fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions
Position paper

The proposed EU Nature Restoration Law: what role for cities and regions?

This policy brief takes a fresh look at the implications of the European Commission’s proposed Nature Restoration Law for cities, regions and local actors.
Guidance document

Barriers and recommendations for strategic procurement

This discussion document identifies the main barriers European contracting authorities face when undertaking sustainable, circular and innovation procurement.

Mainstreaming prosumerism

Prosumerism has the potential to drastically contribute to climate neutrality targets and to make the energy transition socially-inclusive and beneficial for all. To support this, the PROSEU project proposes a set of policy recommendations for mainstreaming prosumerism in Europe.

EIE Transport Assessment Overview for European Policymakers

A summary on an ICLEI Europe and Google Report for the Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) tool.

Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

ICLEI Europe's position on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) as of February 2021.