Publications & tools

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What is needed to make and keep Nature-Based Solutions a reality?

Different nature-based solutions ask for different ways of support. NATURVATION interviewed stakeholders on what they think is needed to make and keep nature-based solutions a reality. Learn more at

What collaborations are needed to make Nature-Based Solutions a success?

Nature-based solutions have multiple benefits for multiple stakeholders. NATURVATION interviewed stakeholders on who can or should come together to realise nature-based solutions.

What is the role of visions for Nature-Based Solutions?

Nature-based solutions are often innovative ways of dealing with nature in cities. NATURVATION asked stakeholders what kinds of innovations they see on the horizon, and why visions are important.

Final report for TEST PROJECT

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15 Pathways to localise the Sustainable Development Goals

Inspiration from Cities implementing local actions contributing to global goals.

Investing in Nature for European Water Security

This report illustrates how investing in nature-based solutions is critical to ensuring water security in Europe, through a combination of literature review, case study analysis, interviews, and drawing on existing experiences.
Guidance document

A guide for pollinator-friendly cities: How can spatial planners and land-use managers create favourable urban environments for pollinators?

The ‘Guide for Pollinator Friendly Cities’ was created by ICLEI within the framework of the EU Pollinators Initiative, supplies decision makers as well as practitioners of local authorities a step-wise approach to change their city into a safe haven for pollinators.