Publications & tools

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Policy Support Facility: Fostering a local just resilience - “Speeding up adaptation to reduce the risk of disasters”

The session “Speeding up adaptation to reduce disaster risk” presents local experiences of disaster risk management, with particular reference to the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS).

Policy Support Facility: Fostering a local just resilience - “Implementing a just climate adaptation”

The webinar “Implementing a just climate adaptation” focuses on just transition as a resilience building process. Panelists bring experiences of stakeholders' engagement and socially inclusive measures for climate adaptation.

Giving sustainability transitions the right direction: a short story about ICLEI’s work with the notion of the Common Good

ICLEI was founded on the belief that cities are the nucleus for a change towards sustainable development. Although today we have the globally agreed upon Sustainable Development Goals, the debate about what is considered to be sustainable is not concluded. It is obvious that there is an underlying question or even conflict about the access and share of available and ultimately limited resources. There are no easy answers to this question and how to come to social peace or fairness globally, nati...

ICLEI’s Vision on Youth Engagement in Global Climate Action

ICLEI aims to enhance participation of youth in climate action through proactive involvement in the activities of local governments across three pillars: (i) Advocacy, (ii) Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Development; and (iii) Governance.

Sun4All Video Presentation: Energy Communities for a fair Energy Transition in Europeo

This short animated video explains the Sun4All solution to alleviating energy poverty, and presents the project in an accessible manner. It can be used by cities or utilities replicating the Sun4All scheme when approaching vulnerable stakeholders, implementing community work plans, and communicating on the local level.

ICLEI welcomes the EU’s efforts to foster a just transition

ICLEI Europe's position (September 2021) on the EU’s increasing efforts to foster just transitions, as demonstrated in the EU Green Deal, the EU Pillar of Social Rights and the Porto Declaration.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU’s Social Climate Fund

ICLEI Europe's position on the Social Climate Fund, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.