Publications & tools

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Valuing indigenous and local knowledge in disaster management and nature protection

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
The climate crisis requires the participation of all parts of society and all knowledge resources. There is an urgent need to improve disaster prevention and preparation mechanisms, and to mitigate the impa...

Statement from the Coalition for Higher Ambition on the EU 2040 Climate Target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition rallied broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joint letter calling for a science-based target of at least 90% net emission reductions to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C.
In the letter addressed to the Presidents of the three main institutions of...
Letters and Statements

Joint letter to Ministers calling for an EU policy framework for a just transition

21 member organisations of the European Alliance for a Just Transition, including ICLEI Europe, have signed this joint letter highlighting the urgent need to prioritise a fair and just transition, including through the development and implementation of an EU policy framework for a just transition.
The letter was sent out to Ministers for Climate/Environment, Social Affairs and Economy and Finance, as well as to Permanent Representatives of Member States to the EU, on 11 March 2024. At the end o...

Local Alliance Letter to EU Leaders to stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Local Alliance, European networks of local and regional governments, representing cities and regions ranging from the smallest rural towns to the largest metropolitan capitals across all EU Member States, wish to underscore the importance of staying on course to implement the European Green Deal under this and next mandates of the European Commission. European local and regional governments have already embarked on the journey to climate neutrality and started to transform our cities and regions...

Prioritising a socially fair and green climate transition in the next EU Strategic Agenda

As the contours of the EU’s 2024-2029 Strategic Agenda begin to take shape, ICLEI joins a coalition of 54 civil society stakeholders, businesses, and organisations representing cities and regions from across Europe in urging European Heads of State and Government to prioritise the transition to a climate-neutral, green, fair, and social Europe.

Towards a Just Transition: what does this really mean for cities and towns?

ICLEI’s Justice, Equity and Democracy team compared key literature to determine the definitions and principles that guide our understanding of a “just transition”.

Promoting access to healthy and environmentally friendly food for the marginalised and vulnerable

Access to environmentally sustainable food, urban mobility and urban green spaces – prerequisites for a successful Green Deal.

Inspiration for Corporate Social Responsibility policies: To contribute to the Green Deal and become more inclusive

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
This factsheet provides inspiration for those in charge of designing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies in enterprises, based on insights and lessons learned from the ACCTING research project. T...

Empowering employees to help mitigate Climate Change: A business-employees alliance promoting behavioural change towards achieving Green Deal goals

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
Recognising the important role that companies can play towards fighting Climate Change and based on the preliminary findings of the ACCTING project, this factsheet provides a framework for companies to prom...