Publications & tools

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Promoting access to healthy and environmentally friendly food for the marginalised and vulnerable

Access to environmentally sustainable food, urban mobility and urban green spaces – prerequisites for a successful Green Deal.

Inspiration for Corporate Social Responsibility policies: To contribute to the Green Deal and become more inclusive

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
This factsheet provides inspiration for those in charge of designing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies in enterprises, based on insights and lessons learned from the ACCTING research project. T...

Empowering employees to help mitigate Climate Change: A business-employees alliance promoting behavioural change towards achieving Green Deal goals

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
Recognising the important role that companies can play towards fighting Climate Change and based on the preliminary findings of the ACCTING project, this factsheet provides a framework for companies to prom...

Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal - Towards a civil society with greater social impact, in solidarity with vulnerable groups

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
Non-governmental organisations play a key role in the formation and implementation of European Green Deal polices. They hold expertise in climate change, environmental issues, social justice and sustainable...

Local is beautiful - Gender+ inclusive agricultural policies and civil society practices for and with small farmers

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
Agriculture and rural areas are central to the European Green Deal. With the growing food crisis, environmentally sustainable and gender+ inclusive small-scale farming has the potential to play a prominent ...

Sun4All Capacity and Training Package

The main objective of the Sun4All Capacity and Training Package is to help cities and other stakeholders to understand and address energy poverty more efficiently, ensuring fair energy transition across Europe. This document aims to ensure that Sun4All financial support scheme remains as a stable programme to tackle energy poverty and ensure vulnerable consumers participation in the energy transition in Europe. This document compiles the key information about the Sun4All approach necessary for p...

Policy Brief 01 | Holistic youth policy interventions

In this Policy Brief, we present inspiring examples of holistic policy interventions and key takeaways for policy makers at national and sub-national levels of government. These key takeaways aim to support the implementation of more holistic, process-oriented and personalized youth policy interventions. The recommendations are based on the work delivered by the Research & Innovation UPLIFT project which aims to understand the patterns and trends of inequality across Europe, focusing on youn...

Policy Brief 02 | Participatory policy making

In this Policy Brief, we present inspiring examples of participatory policy making and key takeaways for policy makers at national and sub-national levels of government. These key takeaways aim to support the implementation of more participatory policy co-creation processes, including young people. The recommendations are based on the work delivered by the Research & Innovation UPLIFT project which aims to understand the patterns and trends of inequality across Europe, focusing on young peop...

Policy Support Facility: Fostering a local just resilience - “Navigating the EU policy and financial landscape”

The session “Navigating the EU policy and financial landscape” informs about the functioning and main objectives of the new EU Policy Support Facility - Covenant of Mayors, setting it in the framework of the latest European policies on climate change adaptation. The webinar provides an overview of the financing and funding opportunities at the EU level that can help cities and regions to put adaptation plans into action.