Publications & tools

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How Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) is supporting Izmir in the identification of low carbon mobility options

The EIE five-year data from 2018 – 2022 allows Izmir complete information on trips occurring in the city, including private vehicles, buses, bikes, motorcycles, and ferry data. It also identifies low-carbon mobility options that inform the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) and the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap.

Data and insights from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) support Greater Manchester 2040 Right Mix

EIE provides Greater Manchester (GM) with regional-level data helping them update their traffic reduction targets for 2040 in an evidence-based manner. Traffic reduction targets are currently being updated, they are a key pillar in achieving GM’s carbon emission reduction targets.
Guidance document

The circular bio-waste management handbook for local authorities

This handbook, produced by CityLoops, is intended for a diverse audience of local government practitioners, including waste managers, urban planners, environmental protection officers, procurers, and politicians seeking a deeper understanding of the subject.
Guidance document

Circular construction in Europe: handbook for local and regional governments

To pursue sustainability in the construction sector, cities and local authorities should play a major role in the transition. This handbook provides a first level of information on how to handle construction and demolition waste.

CircularInvest: scaling up the circular transition

Make your circular economy project ready for investments with CircularInvest. Apply now on

Towards a Just Transition: what does this really mean for cities and towns?

ICLEI’s Justice, Equity and Democracy team compared key literature to determine the definitions and principles that guide our understanding of a “just transition”.
Position paper

Position of LGMA Constituency towards UNFCCC COP28: #MultiLevelActionDelivers in Action

The Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency has released its official position in the lead-up to COP28, which includes ten requests as part of a call to action for COP28. The LGMA is the voice of cities and regions in the climate negotiation process. Every year at COP, the LGMA brings a clear set of priorities and a call to action for the Parties to the Paris Agreement, the COP Presidencies and the UNFCCC. With ICLEI as the focal point, and with leadership from Regions4, ...

Promoting access to healthy and environmentally friendly food for the marginalised and vulnerable

Access to environmentally sustainable food, urban mobility and urban green spaces – prerequisites for a successful Green Deal.

Inspiration for Corporate Social Responsibility policies: To contribute to the Green Deal and become more inclusive

The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
This factsheet provides inspiration for those in charge of designing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies in enterprises, based on insights and lessons learned from the ACCTING research project. T...