Publications & tools

Search Result ( 136 - 144 from 226 )

What collaborations are needed to make Nature-Based Solutions a success?

Nature-based solutions have multiple benefits for multiple stakeholders. NATURVATION interviewed stakeholders on who can or should come together to realise nature-based solutions.

What is the role of visions for Nature-Based Solutions?

Nature-based solutions are often innovative ways of dealing with nature in cities. NATURVATION asked stakeholders what kinds of innovations they see on the horizon, and why visions are important.
Guidance document

Wirkungsorientiertes Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Kommunen

[4 guidelines for impact-oriented sustainability management in communities (in German)]
Diese vier Leitfäden unterstützen Kommunen in ihrer Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Guidance document

Manual on the integration of measures and measure packages in a SUMP - START

This manual provides support for planners in cities that are not yet familiar with sustainable urban mobility planning and who need support with where to start in the context of measure selection. As a complementary manual to the general Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) guidelines, it gives examples and suggestions on how to conduct measure selection for the first SUMP, types of measures that can be of interest for a SUMP, how to grade the measures and how to gain approval for the selected...
Guidance document

Manual on the integration of measures and measure packages in a SUMP - STEP-UP

This manual provides support for cities that are familiar with sustainable urban mobility planning. A step-up city is applying SUMP measures, but not systematically.
Guidance document

Manual on the integration of measures and measure packages in a SUMP - INNOVATE

This manual provides support for cities who are experienced in SUMP planning and have an ambitious vision and targets, but need inspiration for how to select and implement innovative measures.


This document summarises the “SUMP take-up report” from the CIVITAS SUMPsUp project (2018). It provides an overview of the state of the SUMP concept in Europe and its take-up throughout EU Member States
Guidance document

Policy Brief - 10 Recommendations to Help Policymakers Implement Car Sharing in Europe

10 Recommendations to Help Policymakers Implement Car Sharing in Europe


It is clear that city transport solutions need to change. SUMPs, or Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, are the key to achieving this. CIVITAS SUMPs-Up, along with its sister CIVITAS SUMP projects, is dedicated to prompting a Europe-wide rethink on transport. To innovate, you first need concrete data: SUMPs-Up’s first task was to conduct a thorough analysis of the SUMP playing field.