Publications & tools

Search Result ( 145 - 153 from 226 )

ROCK Factsheet No. 2: Learning from each other

Cultural Heritage leading urban futures: This is the second of three factsheets, which will present the diverse facets of the ROCK project. This second one will refer to the knowledge exchange process among cities that are part of ROCK dealing with similar challenges, or the so-called ROCK Mentoring process.
Guidance document

Market Engagement best practice report

Guidance on how to engage suppliers at different stages of the procurement process to help you get the best solution to your procurement needs - including examples from public authorities around Europe

Life Cycle Costing State of the Art Report

This report introduces the reader to the concept of life cycle costing (LCC) and its current status and latest developments.
The report includes clarifications on the concept of life cycle costing and analysis and total cost of ownership. In specific, it refers to the new EU public procurement Directives, which clearly includes and defines the use of LCC within the public procurement process.
Finally, the report identifies existing LCC tools and best practices with the scope of inviting procur...

Circular Procurement Best Practice Report

This report gives an overview of the meaning of Circular Procurement and explores concepts and ideas related to the topic, including references to circular procurement examples.
The report includes reference to three priority focuses for circular procurement: the focus on services instead of products, a focus on the product's design, use phase and end of life and a focus on market dialogue. It includes a section on the benefits of applying circular procurement and some examples of circular proc...

Circular Procurement Case Study Collection

This collection of best practices aims to clarify what Circular Procurement is and what its potential is. It is intended to inspire procurement staff to look at products, ask different questions, analyze the needs in the organisations and challenge the market to a more circular supply of products and services.
Guidance document

Performance / Output Based Specifications Best Practice Report

This report aims to explore and explain Performance / Output Based Specifications (POBS) for Performance Based Contracting, reporting successful practices and outlining benefits and potential challenges. 
The report explains the concept of Performance Based Contracting, looks into how this has been developed throughout time and reports a few successful best practices. Among these, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Trust procuring an energy performance contract; the Danish Municipality of Heden...

Public Procurement for a Circular Economy

Prepared by ICLEI and published in October 2017, the brochure on Circular Procurement provides an introduction to the European policy framework and practical guidance to those involved in public procurement decisions.
Press release
12 December 2017

ICLEI, Global Covenant of Mayors, and C40 announce One Planet Charter to Accelerate Local Implementation of the Paris Agreement

Global city networks join together to launch new campaign to drive sustainable infrastructure, giving cities momentum to reach ambitious climate goals.
Today, at the One Planet Summit in Paris, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy announced the One Planet Charter to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement in cities and local governments across the world.
The One Planet Ch...
Press release
27 November 2017

EU Preis für beste Webseite geht erneut nach Freiburg

Die vom ICLEI Europasekretariat in Freiburg entwickelte Webseite wurde mit dem eu.Web Award 2017 in der Kategorie „The Laurels“ ausgezeichnet.
Der Preis würdigt die besten auf .eu endenden Webseiten in Hinblick auf Design und Inhalt. Durch konstant hohe Kommunikationskompetenz und inhaltliche Qualität konnte ICLEI die Auszeichnung bereits im zweiten Jahr in Folge nach Freiburg bringen. Im Jahr 2016 hatte ICLEI bereits mit der Webseite