Publications & tools

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Guidance document
Published: 2023

Circular construction in Europe: handbook for local and regional governments

To pursue sustainability in the construction sector, cities and local authorities should play a major role in the transition. This handbook provides a first level of information on how to handle construction and demolition waste.
Guidance document
Published: 2023

The circular bio-waste management handbook for local authorities

This handbook, produced by CityLoops, is intended for a diverse audience of local government practitioners, including waste managers, urban planners, environmental protection officers, procurers, and politicians seeking a deeper understanding of the subject.
Guidance document
Published: 2023

Stimulating demand for circular construction skills - a guide for public authorities

Through good practice and replicable examples from Europe and beyond, this document aims to raise awareness among practitioners and policymakers about their ability to promote a more circular construction sector and upskill professionals. It highlights the various levers at their disposal to support this transition

Training material for public procurers - How to procure circular construction skills?

This slide deck aims to help public procurers and policymakers better understand how they can stimulate demand for circular construction skills through public procurement. The deck can be used as a self-learning tool, with links to other resources to learn more about the topic. It can also be used and adapted as needed to help to raise awareness among your colleagues and partners on how they can promote circular construction skills.

Barcelona, Rotterdam and Flanders Scoop Awards at Major European Sustainability Event

The cities of Barcelona and Rotterdam, and the Government of Flanders, have scooped the 2018 Procura+ Awards at this year’s EcoProcura conference in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Case Study
Published: 2017

Circular Procurement Case Study Collection

This collection of best practices aims to clarify what Circular Procurement is and what its potential is. It is intended to inspire procurement staff to look at products, ask different questions, analyze the needs in the organisations and challenge the market to a more circular supply of products and services.
Guidance document
Published: 2017

Public Procurement for a Circular Economy

Prepared by ICLEI and published in October 2017, the brochure on Circular Procurement provides an introduction to the European policy framework and practical guidance to those involved in public procurement decisions.
Press release
Published: 2017

PPI4Waste project concludes with international conference in Brussels

After almost three years, the PPI4Waste project ended with an international conference in Brussels (Belgium) on 12 September 2017. Experts and participants concluded that more cooperation is needed to support public procurement of innovation (PPI) and help increase the uptake of innovative solutions for waste management.
Public procurement of innovation (PPI) is a powerful tool to foster innovation and leverage the market, but is still widely regarded as a complicated process by most public aut...
Published: 2017

Circular Procurement Best Practice Report

This report gives an overview of the meaning of Circular Procurement and explores concepts and ideas related to the topic, including references to circular procurement examples.
The report includes reference to three priority focuses for circular procurement: the focus on services instead of products, a focus on the product's design, use phase and end of life and a focus on market dialogue. It includes a section on the benefits of applying circular procurement and some examples of circular proc...