
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 88 )

30 May 2024

ICLEI joins call for prioritsing a socially fair and green transition in the next EU Strategic Agenda

ICLEI joined a coalition of 54 civil society stakeholders, businesses, and organisations representing cities and regions from across Europe to urge European Heads of State and Government to prioritise the transition to a climate-neutral, green, fair, and social Europe when defining the EU’s 20...

29 May 2024

Training for collaborative local governance and just sustainability transitions

Imagine your municipality in 2040: It’s green, affordable, and people are actively involved in decision making and caring for their neighbourhoods. Your municipality has gone through a metamorphosis. Looking back, the local government’s dedication to collaborative governance and advocacy...

15 April 2024

Local Alliance urges EU to stay the course on EU Green Deal

ICLEI and seven other leading networks of European cities and regions - ACR+, CEMR, Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Eurocities, FEDARENE, and POLIS - have come together to form the Local Alliance ahead of the EU elections.  In a joint letter, the Alliance calls on EU leaders to find new ways ...

18 March 2024

Leading local and EU decision makers discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action

Last week brought more than 200 Mayors and local representatives together with EU leaders and the Belgian EU Council Presidency to discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action. During the event, key EU decision makers including European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš &Sc...

8 March 2024

Address inequalities in the European Green Deal through practical recommendations

The European Green Deal foresees efficient use of resources for a circular and clean economy. Yet inequalities emerge in the context of its policy and interventions, whether in terms of access to food, energy, mobility, or biodiversity. The ACCTING project, of which ICLEI is a partner, seeks to und...

5 March 2024

Community initiatives enable a more inclusive and democratic European Green Deal

In recent years, the discourse around sustainable energy systems has increasingly emphasised the importance of citizen engagement and participation. In the 45th Breakfast at Sustainability's, held as a hybrid event in ICLEI Europe Brussels Office and online, experts and stakeholders convened to disc...

4 March 2024

ICLEI Europe brings local voices to the European Conference for a Just Transition

Cities and regions are the level at which at least 70% European Green Deal legislation must be implemented and are therefore at the frontline of actions to stem the climate crisis and societal challenges. From 4-5 March, a delegation from ICLEI Europe took part in the European Conference for a Just...

26 February 2024

Contribute to the conversation around collaborative climate adaptation

Climate change adaptation and resilience – like any other form of climate action – must be done collaboratively to reflect realities on the ground, to be locally-tailored and impactful, and to be accepted. However, there remains a lack of knowledge, regarding the initiatives already carr...

21 February 2024

Working with the Belgian Presidency towards a strong role for local governments in the next European mandate

An enormous task lies before the Belgian government as they take over the Presidency of the European Council for the period from January-June 2024. The coming months will be crucial not only for preparing for the European elections, but also for determining whether Europe maintains its course toward...