
Search Result ( 127 - 135 from 220 )

18 May 2021

ICLEI Europe gears up for EU Green Week with sessions supporting zero-pollution in cities

ICLEI Europe is pleased to be contributing to this year’s edition of the annual European Green Week conference, via several sessions that promote the local perspective and voices on the EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition. Each of these sessions will support local authorities in tr...

14 May 2021

Engage with the Green City Accord at EU Green Week

The Green City Accord (GCA) is an ambitious movement of mayors and local government leaders from across Europe who are committed to making their cities cleaner, greener and healthier. Learn more about this ambitious new movement – which ICLEI Europe, alongside EUROCITIES and CEMR, is supportin...

28 April 2021

Racing toward a climate neutral Europe

Interview with Giorgia Rambelli, ICLEI Europe Coordinator, Climate Policy and Energy Governance In the lead up to COP26, and with the European Green Deal’s ambitious target of reaching ‘climate neutrality’ by 2050 on the table, local leaders are gearing up to take bold climate act...

27 April 2021

Baltic cities invited to learn more about the Green City Accord

Since its launch last year, Mayors from across Europe have been steadily joining the Green City Accord, a European Commission initiative to encourage city authorities to take further action to make their cities cleaner and healthier, and thereby improve the quality of life for their citizens. About ...

20 April 2021

Free online tool helps decarbonise heating and cooling

Over the past five years, energy experts and city planners from across Europe have developed a tool to help accelerate the decarbonisation of local heating and cooling networks. This free, online tool – known as the ‘THERMOS energy planning software’ – enables local planners ...

15 April 2021

ICLEI Europe helps connect local action with European and global initiatives

Those working for a city are often approached to join initiatives or to become signatories to Commitments, Declarations and Messages in the area of sustainable development. Given the number of such initiatives, one wonder, “why are these important and why should my city participate? Does it su...

13 April 2021

ICLEI World Congress 2021–2022 launches

With cities often determining the trajectory of global development, urban transformation is the key to a more sustainable world. The ICLEI World Congress is the moment for local and regional governments to come together to celebrate and recognise the invaluable contributions of cities, towns and reg...

6 April 2021

European building data project takes off with new website

There is a marked lack of data available on Europe's building stock, which hinders governments at all levels from being able to put forth optimal policies and renovation schemes to support decarbonisation of buildings. ICLEI Europe is working with European partners to close this gap. The project ha...

31 March 2021

Re-CoMmit to climate action

Many climate and energy targets developed across the world over the past several decades were aiming to accomplish certain milestones by 2020. In 2021, it is time to re-commit to renewed, ambitious climate and energy action. In this spirit, the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) is stepping-up action for a fa...