
Search Result ( 199 - 207 from 223 )

4 September 2018

Cities to unveil new ways to plan for climate change at Brussels conference

How do you plan for the unknown? Cities are one of the top contributors to climate change worldwide, and they are also the areas hit hardest by the extreme weather, pressure on infrastructure and unpredictable disasters triggered by the changing climate. Four cities, Bilbao (Spain), Bratislava (Slo...

28 August 2018

ICLEI publishes report on urban resilience and adaptation

The Resilient Cities conference, which took place earlier this year in Bonn (Germany), 26-28 April, has recently launched their conference report. The conference, an annual global forum on urban resilience and adaptation, brings together local government leaders and climate adaptation experts to di...

7 August 2018

Feedback sought for draft action plan from the EU Climate Adaptation Partnership

The draft action plan on climate adaptation from the EU Urban Agenda’s Climate Adaptation Partnership is online and open for public feedback until Friday 17 August 2018. The Climate Adaptation Partnership aims to anticipate the adverse effects of climate change, and take appropriate action to...

6 August 2018

2018 Transformative Action Award receives record number of entries

The application deadline for the 2018 Transformative Action Award recently closed, with this year’s award setting a record for the number of applications received. In total 40 innovative and inspiring Transformative Actions from cities, regions and civil society organisations across Europe wer...

6 July 2018

ICLEI Member Turku aims to be carbon neutral by 2029

ICLEI Member Turku (Finland) has recently launched a new Climate Plan, which seeks to make the city carbon neutral by 2029 and end the use of coal in energy production by 2025. One of the ways the city hopes to reach this goal is through introducing new sustainable urban mobility measures. Through ...

3 July 2018

Only one month left to apply for the 2018 Transformative Action Award

With only one month left before applications close, don’t miss your chance to win €10,000 and become recognised as a leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2018 Transformative Action Award. The award, co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Ba...

28 June 2018

Nilüfer shares what winning the 2017 Transformative Action Award has meant to them

An Interview with Ender Acel, Nilüfer Muncipality’s Innovation Center In 2017, Nilüfer (Turkey) won the first edition of the Transformative Action Award for their action which sought to increase civic engagement and participatory local democracy through Neighbourhood Committees. Si...

7 June 2018

EU Commission launch 2021 European Green Capital and 2020 European Green Leaf Awards

The European Commission has launched the competition and the search for the 2021 European Green Capital and 2020 European Green Leaf Awards.   The European Green Capital Award (EGCA), now in its eleventh year, is awarded annually to a European city of over 100,000 inhabitants that has shown it...

29 May 2018

Cities are coming together to make the journey towards a resilient future

A new video shows the journey of seven cities towards a resilient future. Climate scenarios of increasing storms, floods and heat waves have lately become a reality and are putting citizens’ health and lives at risk as a result of climate change. Human-made disasters such as terrorist attacks...