
Search Result ( 19 - 27 from 234 )

22 March 2024

Revaluing our water management approach for resilience

National and international discussions on the importance of preserving the quantity and quality of water ecosystems too often neglect local and regional governments’ policies. At the same time, local communities hold immense knowledge to best address the challenges they face related to water m...

21 March 2024

The Nature Restoration Law is key for greening our future

EU Member States’ Ambassadors are expected to have a final decision on the Nature Restoration Law on 22 March with an expected final vote on this key legislation at the European Council on 25 March. Their decision will define whether the EU will enshrine its objectives to implement the Kunming...

20 March 2024

Unfolding the path for a nature positive future

Since co-authoring the EC Expert Publication titled “The vital role of nature-based solutions in a nature positive economy” published in 2022, ICLEI Europe has been advocating to promote the nature-positive economy agenda within Europe and worldwide. Now, ICLEI Europe is actively helping...

18 March 2024

Leading local and EU decision makers discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action

Last week brought more than 200 Mayors and local representatives together with EU leaders and the Belgian EU Council Presidency to discuss translating the EU Green Deal into local action. During the event, key EU decision makers including European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš &Sc...

5 March 2024

ICLEI supports open letter on nature-based water resilience

Alongside 27 organisations and NGOs, ICLEI has signed an open letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to protect EU freshwater and marine ecosystems. The letter stresses the need for the EU to put nature-based water resilience back on the agenda ahead of the EU elections. As we ...

27 February 2024

New event series spotlights local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL

Communities across Europe are key to making the European Green Deal work, but a central question is: how? That question, and the pursuit of the answers, guide the new online event series Local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL. Through a blend of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) perspectives,...

15 February 2024

Urban Greening Plans reimagine a more sustainable and inclusive future

The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 calls on all cities over 20,000 people to invest in urban greening by creating an Urban Greening Plan (UGP). While UGPs are only now gaining international prominence, the topic is not new to ICLEI Europe, who contributed to a report outlining the potential impac...

9 February 2024

ICLEI puts forth recommendations to improve the Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience

Healthy soils play a critical role in sustainable urban development, influencing agricultural productivity, ecosystem functions, water quality, and climate resilience. This is why the European Commission’s Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience needs to incorporate the knowledge and exper...

1 February 2024

ICLEI and partners rally support for a science-based EU 2040 climate target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition are rallying broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 expected in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joi...