
12 October 2018

New podcast explores SUMP challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities

All towns and cities developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) deal with difficulties. Yet their nature differs: the challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities are not the same as their larger counterparts.

A new podcast from the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project sheds light on the SUMP situations in a series of such locations from across Europe.

Mobility practitioners from Hengelo (the Netherlands), Sligo County (Ireland), Ghimbav (Romania), Vercelli (Italy), and Greek islands discuss the realities they encounter and give insight into the unique hurdles that they have to overcome. 

Each of the cities examined a specific topic: Ghimbav (Romania) - integration of their SUMP into the transport system of the wider Brasov metropolitan area; Sligo County - institutional cooperation and how financial cuts impact on SUMP development; Greek Islands (Greece) - seasonal touristic mobility; Vercelli (Italy) - a lack of transport planning authorities; Hengelo (Netherlands) - how to build public trust in institutions.

To listen to the podcast, click here and for more information about CIVITAS SUMPs-Up, click here.