
9 June 2010

Italian Local Agenda 21 Association booklet leads by example

The Italian Local Agenda 21 Association (A21 Italy), has produced a booklet entitled, The Commitments of the Cities and Territories of Italy for the Climate. The booklet outlines a 12-point Charter of the same name and offers concrete examples of how Italian communities are fulfilling the requirements of each Charter point.

Emanuele Burgin, President of A21 Italy, says the new booklet serves several purposes, “It demonstrates the vivacity and diffusion of Agenda 21 processes and of sustainable development practices in Italy. It is also an important reference and stimulus for those less expert in the subject, giving clear and direct references and illustrating examples of local actions for the mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change.”

The Charter points include, to promote the Covenant of Mayors of Italy, intervene in territorial planning and management to develop more sustainable urban systems, update urban planning tools in order to improve efficiency of residential, productive and service buildings, beginning with those of public property and to promote sustainable mobility and transport. A21 Italy is a network partner of ICLEI in Europe.

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