
20 July 2010

SURE project releases Krakow Declaration

SURE, a research project supported by the European Commission, has released The Krakow Declaration - on a Sustainable Future for Europe and the World. The paper is the result of a conference held in the Polish city in March of this year, which saw over 70 participants from 14 EU member states and Croatia take part.

The Krakow Declaration outlines the challenges facing national, local and regional governments as they battle against climate change. It advocates dealing with large issues on a local or community level, as well as addressing the climate-related problems facing, or caused by, major industry.

The build up to this declaration began with a workshop in ICLEI member city Gothenburg (Sweden), in late 2009. The SURE project takes its name from its main focus – sustainable regeneration. SURE was commissioned by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency and is co-funded through the EU’s Europe for Citizens programme.

For a copy of the declaration, click here. [PDF 195kb]