
28 August 2018

ICLEI publishes report on urban resilience and adaptation

The Resilient Cities conference, which took place earlier this year in Bonn (Germany), 26-28 April, has recently launched their conference report.

The conference, an annual global forum on urban resilience and adaptation, brings together local government leaders and climate adaptation experts to discuss adaptation challenges facing urban environments around the globe.

Some of the main outcomes of the 2018 conference and the most pressing issues discussed included: the degree to which the scale and speed of resilience challenges are growing for cities worldwide, the need to reinforce multi-stakeholder collaboration in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the need for cities to protect their cultural and natural heritage and to adapt to climate change without losing their identity, financing resilience, the benefits of involving citizens in the early stages of adaptation planning, and ways to reconcile urban resilience and increasing digitization.

For more information and to read the conference report, click here.