
29 July 2019

Earth Overshoot Day illustrates global unsustainable resource use

Between 1 January 2019 and today, we have consumed all resources that the Earth can replenish in one year. This implies that any additional resources used for the remainder of 2019 will be depleted.

This day is known as Earth Overshoot Day. Since it has been calculated, a troubling trend has emerged whereby Overshoot Day has steadily landed earlier and earlier in the year. In other words, we are continuing to consume Earth’s resources faster. This is the first time that Overshoot Day has fallen in July.

Of course, not every country or community consumes at the same rates. EU Overshoot Day – the day we would use all the resources that can be renewed annually if everyone in the world consumed resources at the same rate as the average EU resident – fell on 10 May this year.

Each year, Overshoot Day is accompanied by a push to encourage people to take action to #MoveTheDate later in the year. A list of suggested actions we can all take to consume resources more sustainably has been put together, and individuals can make online pledges to take them on. These range from commuting in a more eco-friendly way, to reducing new clothing purchased, eating a more plant-based diet, and contacting city leaders to push them to take bold steps to build a more sustainable future.

ICLEI Europe Members are among those cities already adopting ambitious plans and actions to #MoveTheDate. Several Members, for example, have adopted plans to reach carbon neutrality before 2050. For example, Turku (Finland) is targeting carbon neutrality by 2029, Glasgow (United Kingdom) is aiming to be carbon neutral before 2045, and Reykjavik (Iceland) by 2040.

For more information about Overshoot Day, click here.