
4 February 2021

New website supports community energy and the uptake of renewable energy solutions

The ongoing energy transition is not only facilitating the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, but also helping us rethink how energy is produced and distributed. Local energy networks – an important alternative to traditional top-down distribution models – are gaining importance, and have great potential in our future energy system.

The COME RES project is working to facilitate the rollout of local energy networks, and is supporting the implementation of renewable energy communities (RECs). The project's new website ( serves as a hub where interested and committed persons and communities can find information, research and opportunities.

This EU Horizon2020 project connects long-term energy visions with short-term actions. Its work focusses on RECs in nine European countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, and Spain. The project will concurrently learn from regions with advanced community energy development, and support regions with the potential to further develop energy communities.

Project results and resources will be transferable beyond these countries and will all be made accessible on the COME RES website. The page also features regular project updates, events and topical news.

For more information, visit the website here.