
7 July 2010

Hannover makes a climate protection alliance

ICLEI member city Hannover (Germany), has set ambitious targets for climate protection within the scope of its Climate Alliance 2020 programme. The programme aims to cut local CO2 emissions by 40 percent by the year 2020, making Hannover one of the most ambitious cities, both in Germany and internationally.

In close co-operation with the city's energy utilities company Stadtwerke Hannover AG, and under the guidance of the city of Hannover, around 80 partners from companies and organisations of the industry, office buildings, residential and multiplicators work groups have announced their own climate protection goals. Many projects make up the programme including giving older less energy efficient buildings a makeover, constructing new buildings that meet strict ecological and low energy standards, introducing efficient technology into the industrial sector to decrease emissions from this area and extending the use of combined heat and power (CHP).

Stadtwerke Hannover AG also wants aims to produce 700,000 tons less CO2 effective in the Hannover balance with regards to supply (compared to 1990), as well as increase energy generation from renewable sources and CHP by around 50 percent. Hannover’s citizens are also encouraged to get involved and there is now an energy advice centre, a telephone hotline and several organisations such as the Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz.

For further information, click here. [In German]