
22 June 2010

Birmingham gets on its bike

As part of Team Green Britain Bike Week from 19-27 June, a peloton of cyclists gathered to promote the launch of a campaign by Birmingham City Council (United Kingdom), to encourage more people to cycle to work rather than drive.

The ICLEI member city will be offering anyone who cycles to work for at least one day during Bike Week the chance to cycling vouchers by logging details of their journey online. On 22 June Birmingham City Council will host its first public cycle forum. Team Green Britain Bike Week is the UK’s biggest mass participation cycling event, which is challenging everyone to rethink their everyday journeys and switch to cycling as the most convenient way to get around.

Timothy Huxtable, Cabinet Member for Transportation and Regeneration at Birmingham City Council, says, “Plenty of people get in their cars and travel to all manner of places without giving it a second thought. Yet hopping on a bike can prove cheaper, better for the environment and give you a healthy boost along the way”.

For further information, click here.