
13 May 2024

ICLEI welcomes new members to its network of sustainable cities

ICLEI Europe welcomes its new members: Navas de San Juan (Spain), Velenje (Slovenia), Loulé (Portugal) and Karak Municipality (Jordan). By joining ICLEI, these cities and regions are now part of a network of members dedicated to promoting and implementing sustainable urban development in their municipalities. Together, we look forward to developing strong, shared knowledge and implementing innovative approaches to ensure a more resilient future!

Navas de San Juan

The village of Navas the San Juan is a small locality in the region of Andalucia. The municipality has over 4460 inhabitants and is located south of the Sierra Morena mountains. In recent years, the village has carried out several clean energy-related initiatives to promote and favour the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.


Velenje is the sixth largest city in Slovenia with roughly 36,000 inhabitants. Found in the eastern part of the Šaleška Valley, the city is located in a unique natural setting. Traditionally a coal-centred city, Velenje has been selected as one of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities for 2030 for its efforts regarding de-carbonisation practices and is European Green Leaf 2024.


With a population of over 70,600 people, Loulé is both a city and the largest municipality of the Algarve region in southern Portugal. The locality is signatory to the Green City Accord, and has been promoting several pro-environmental practices in recent years including reducing the use of single-use plastics and preserving urban aquatic ecosystems.

Karak Municipality

The municipality of Karak is a region in central Jordan, south of Amman capital region, and has nearly 250,000 inhabitants. The region takes part in the CES MED project with the aim of promoting sustainable energy practices. Karak is also part of the WaterSum project with the aim to develop secure access to water within its citizens.

We are thrilled to have these cities as a part of the ICLEI network!