
25 July 2023

New resources help cities accelerate sustainable mobility innovation

It can be challenging to keep pace with mobility innovations and know what solutions may work in a given context. A new set of resources devoted to helping cities accelerate the deployment of sustainable mobility solutions are available as part of the FastTrack project, of which ICLEI is a coordinating partner.

A series of FactSheets explore how to successfully implement mobility innovations in thematic areas such as urban logistics, cycling, integrated multi-modal mobility solutions, and traffic and demand management. In addition, FactSheets on factors including behaviour change, funding, data management, and governance show how these topics can influence the uptake of mobility innovation. A series of Case Studies showcase eight FastTrack cities in their journey toward innovation deployment, including ICLEI Members Antwerp (Belgium), Bologna (Italy), Braga (Portugal), Budapest (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Stockholm (Sweden). ICLEI Members can learn from these case studies which dive into the challenges faced in implementing their mobility innovation and what acceleration factors helped cities facilitate deployment. Final Recommendations assemble key learnings on how cities can accelerate the deployment of sustainable mobility innovation. Finally, in addition to these resources, the FastTrack Deployment Plan template, a structure for identifying mobility innovations and possible barriers to implementation, can be found in 18 different languages, so that cities across Europe can apply this framework in their own context.

Reflecting on the journey cities have engaged with thus far, Ana Dragutescu, Coordinator for Sustainable Mobility and Transport, notes, “FastTrack cities have identified mobility innovations and plans for how to implement them in their own context. And while each city is in a different stage of deployment, the process of quickly implementing these innovations will continue long after the project ends. And the experiences gathered and lessons learnt from the FastTrack community will help future across Europe do the same.

To learn more about the FastTrack project and access all of its resources, click here.