
30 September 2021

Carbon-neutral, sustainable, inclusive: unlocking cities' full potentials through Local Green Deals

Last year, the European Commission launched the European Green Deal, with the ambitious target of making Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. In autumn 2020, local leaders met with the European Commission at Mannheim2020 to gain formal agreement from the European level that the key to reaching Europe’s climate goal is ensuring that the EU’s 80,000 towns and cities develop plans to implement change locally through Local Green Deals. But where can cities start? What does it mean to localise the EU Green Deal, and what potential do Local Green Deals hold?

Earlier this year, as part of its work with the Intelligent Cities Challenge, ICLEI Europe launched “Local Green Deals – A Blueprint for Action” as a guidance document to help shape local authorities’ work. This is an invaluable resource given that, as Anna Athanasopoulou, DG Grow’s Head of Unit for Proximity, Social Economy and Creative Industries at the European Commission explains, “Local Green Deals are the concrete vehicle EU cities can use to deliver on their sustainability goals and help Europe become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.”

Now, ICLEI Europe is also teaming up with the ICLEI Member Mannheim (Germany) and the European Committee of the Regions to host a session at #EURegionsWeek to further explore the concept of Local Green Deals (LGDs) as an integrated, bottom-up approach for cities and local communities to take inclusive and ambitious action in line with the EU Green Deal. The discussion will take place on 13 October from 11:30–13:00 CEST.

Through rounds of discussion – with contributors representing the City of Mannheim; the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; the Flemish Parliament; the European Committee of the Regions; and the City of Espoo – participants will have the opportunity to learn more about Local Green Deals, their potential impact, history, and how political leadership can mobilise local stakeholders to ensure an impactful LGD is implemented.

To join the conversation and affirm your commitment to ensuring that Europe’s climate goals are met locally, register for #EURegionsWeek today, and add this ICLEI session to your calendar.

For more information, click here.