
28 August 2024

How Member States can empower energy communities

As the EU pushes forward on its path to a sustainable energy future, Member States play a crucial role in nurturing energy communities, which are key to local renewable energy production and broader environmental, economic, and social benefits. To meet EU legislation, it is essential for Member States to create frameworks that support the growth of these communities, ensuring they benefit the community rather than prioritising profit. Regional and local governments also need adequate resources and support to implement these initiatives effectively. For ICLEI Europe Members, this is particularly important as energy communities align with their goals of advancing local sustainability, achieving climate neutrality, and fostering social equity.

The Sun4All project, in which ICLEI Europe is a partner, provides policy recommendations for Member States that complement previous suggestions made to the EU and local/regional authorities.

The first recommendation is for Member States to set national targets aligned with the EU goal of establishing at least one Renewable Energy Community (REC) in municipalities with over 10,000 residents by 2025, with special attention to rural areas. A 2030 roadmap should be developed, integrated into national plans like the National Energy and Climate Plans, to promote energy communities. Public procurement rules should be revised to enable these communities to participate in tenders, involving municipalities and social actors. Additionally, participation in energy communities should not result in the loss of tax or social welfare benefits, making it financially viable for all. Member States should also utilise new EU state aid rules to exempt RECs from competitive bidding where appropriate and design special tenders for them. Ensuring regional and local governments have sufficient resources, particularly for addressing energy poverty, and providing technical assistance that includes solutions for social aspects are also essential steps.

By adopting these recommendations, Member States can ensure energy communities become a cornerstone of the EU's energy transition and a powerful tool for social innovation. For a comprehensive set of recommendations and detailed guidance, consult the policy brief by Sun4All.

The Sun4All project has also recently released the Sustainable Adoption Roadmap for Europe, a key tool to guide local authorities in effectively integrating vulnerable consumers into energy communities, ensuring equitable access to the benefits of renewable energy. This roadmap offers recommendations to promote the adoption and scalability of Sun4All across Europe, tailored to local and regional contexts. Have a read!