
9 February 2022

Explore new database to learn from local areas speeding-up the roll-out of mobility solutions

Innovations appear on the market quickly – it is much harder to implement them quickly.

A new online tool gathers state-of-the-art cases of local areas speedily rolling-out mobility solutions. These examples provide tips, lessons learnt, and links that other local leaders can follow to inform their own efforts to take-up innovations. What's more, a number of these state-of-the-art cases come from ICLEI Members, including Antwerp (Belgium), Berlin (Germany), Budapest (Hungary), Oslo (Norway), and Malmö and Stockholm (Sweden).

There are a number of reasons why it can be challenging for local authorities to keep pace with new and innovative solutions. Whether your local area is facing barriers related to funding, local demand, or bureaucracy, seeing how others have overcome these challenges can be inspirational.

Users can search this new database to find exactly the inspiration they need. Search for cases related to specific clusters (Sustainable & Clean Urban Logistics; Cycling in the Urban & Functional Urban Area; Integrated Multi-modal Mobility Solutions; and Traffic & Demand Management), and/or pertaining to specific cross-cutting themes (Funding, financing & business models; Digitalisation & data management; Governance, participation, cooperation, and co-creation; and Behaviour change).

This database has been compiled by the CIVITAS FastTrack project, which ICLEI Europe is coordinating. Explore the FastTrack database today at: