
21 June 2018

ICLEI pushes for climate neutrality, calling on Members to set mid-century targets

The new ICLEI vision for the urban era – the ICLEI Montréal Commitment and Strategic Vision – adopted by the ICLEI Council, calls on ICLEI Members to aim for climate neutrality in government infrastructure and operations before mid-century.

“We need more cities worldwide to go climate neutral,” said Gino Van Begin, Secretary General of ICLEI. “Climate neutrality in the municipal operations and infrastructure is an essential step for full delivery of the Paris Agreement. Cities of all sizes and on any continent can take on this challenge and move us closer towards a climate neutral world.

ICLEI Members like Arendal (Norway) and Stockholm (Sweden) have already set ambitious climate neutrality targets. In calling for wider action, ICLEI aims to make climate neutrality a reality for more cities across the world. By reporting targets and tracking progress through platforms like the carbonn Climate Registry, cities can map out individualised paths towards climate neutrality and determine where carbon offsets may be necessary.

“I’m pleased ICLEI continues to build upon its strong base of climate action by stepping up its commitment to do even more,” said Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change. “By calling on its network to achieve climate neutrality in government operations before mid-century, ICLEI can help us deliver on the promises of the Paris Agreement. We encourage local and regional governments across the ICLEI network to work with Climate Neutral Now to turn climate neutrality into reality.”

The Paris Agreement calls for climate neutrality in the second half of the century to avoid the worst effects of climate change. With cities contributing to more than 70 percent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, the urban dimension of climate action is critical.

This call to action by ICLEI comes just ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit, where climate stakeholders worldwide will put forward new, bold climate commitments. This groundswell will place positive pressure on nations to step up climate action and turn their attention towards cities ahead of the year-end climate negotiations in Katowice (Poland).

For more information about the the ICLEI Montréal Commitment and Strategic Vision, click here.