
30 November 2020

Bristol launches ‘just sustainabilities’ programme

Later today, the Bristol Green Capital Partnership – alongside a local radio station in ICLEI Member Bristol (United Kingdom) called "Ujima Radio" – launch the new chapter of the "Black & Green Ambassadors Programme". This is a city-wide programme, which celebrates and empowers leadership and engagement from diverse communities for sustainability, and social and environmental justice across Bristol and beyond.

The programme was piloted in 2016, following Bristol’s year as the European Green Capital. The inaugural Ambassadors challenged assumptions, inspired action and worked towards ensuring that the environmental movement in Bristol and in the larger community is inclusive and representative of all.

Earlier in 2020, Ujima Radio and the Bristol Green Capital Partnership secured funding to scale-up the pilot, to support nine new Ambassadors, and to implement an extensive programme that addresses environmental inequalities and enables bold and inclusive action towards a more sustainable Bristol. This scale-up is expected to bring transformative change; the programme was thus a candidate for the recent Transformative Action award.

Today's launch event, taking place at 19:00 CET (or 18:00 local time in Bristol) will provide an opportunity to meet all the Ambassadors – past and newly appointed – as well as to learn about the three-year programme, and to celebrate its vision from both local and international perspectives.

Speakers include Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, and Julian Agyeman, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, Boston (USA), and the originator of the concept of ‘just sustainabilities’, which explores the intersecting goals of social justice and environmental sustainability.

To join the online launch event, register here.