
15 June 2020

The Green City Accord: a new EU initiative for greener, healthier cities

Cities are invited to learn more about the European Commission's upcoming Green City Accord, and to sign on to commit to building healthier cities for all.

ICLEI Europe – alongside EUROCITIES and CEMR – are supporting the European Commission in developing and implementing the Accord, which is "a movement of European mayors committed to safeguarding the natural environment." The Accord will support cities in their efforts to achieve cleaner and healthier environments, thereby improving the quality of life of all city dwellers.

It will mobilise cities willing to step up their actions in five areas of environmental management: improving air quality; enhancing nature and biodiversity; reducing noise pollution; improving municipal waste management and advancing the circular economy; and improving the quality of water bodies and the efficiency of water use.

This voluntary initiative will be open to all cities in the EU. By implementing the Accord, cities will also be delivering on the European Green Deal and working towards localising the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

The Accord is expected to be launched – and opened for mayors’ signatures – in October 2020, during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Why should your city join?

The Accord will offer signatory cities access to a framework to help them more effectiely manage their local resources, and thereby to deliver their environmental goals in a more integrated way. Technical support will be provided to signatories to plan and implement environmental actions through a helpdesk, peer-learning and capacity-building activities. This, alongside the network provided by becoming a signatory, will improve access to information about financing opportunities for environmental work, as well as opportunities for best practice and knowledge-exchange. Furthermore, becoming a signatory to the Accord will open a direct line of communication between your city and European policy-makers, as well as opportunities to gain visibility for your environmental efforts.

For more information about the initiative, please visit the Green City Accord website or email