
20 October 2023

Road to COP28: EU leaders formally vouch for close cooperation with local governments on international climate agreements

On 17 October, the Council of the European Union formally agreed to advocate for closer cooperation with local and regional governments in the implementation of international climate agreements. This is articulated in the official conclusions of its meeting on 16 October 2023 to prepare the EU position ahead of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28), taking place in Dubai (UAE) on 30 November to 12 December 2023. These Council conclusions will serve as the EU’s negotiation position and mandate at COP28.

In their conclusions, EU leaders highlighted for the first time: “the leadership of local and regional governments in accelerating and broadening climate action while effectively engaging citizens in the transformative process to sustainable lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production”. The Council furthermore emphasised: “the need for increased involvement of local and regional governments in the process of implementing NDCs, national adaptation plans (NAPs) and LTS”.

The unprecedented recognition of local and regional governments’ leadership in accelerating climate action is a crucial step towards addressing the climate crisis effectively. ICLEI Regional Director for Europe Wolfgang Teubner explains, “ICLEI Europe and its Members from local and regional governments welcome the Environment Council’s conclusion on COP28 recognising the crucial role of local and regional governments in implementing effective and inclusive climate action with citizens. This is a landmark step in underlining the importance of close cooperation between different levels of government to achieve national and international climate goals. By increasing cooperation on shaping and implementing relevant policies across all levels of government, the EU can pave the way for an effective and ambitious response to the climate emergency at COP28 and beyond, as echoed in the outcomes of the G7, the African Climate Summit, the Amazon Climate Summit, and the UNCAS 2023 Chairs’ Summary.”

The landmark reference comes ahead of the EU’s Climate Stocktake event on 27 October, which is supported by local and regional authorities who are organising their own local stocktakes ahead of the COP28 in Dubai. The event will contribute to the discussion in the run-up to the Global Stocktake, the UNFCCC’s first review of the global progress made in implementing the Paris Agreement, which will conclude at COP28 in November.

ICLEI Members from local and regional governments, as well as ICLEI leadership and key partners such as the European Committee of the Regions will take the message of multilevel cooperation to COP28 as they drive global climate ambitions and implementation. As ICLEI Secretary General, Gino Van Begin explains, “The EU Council's position shows that the European Union will go to COP28 as a strong advocate for local and regional governments as a critical part of achieving national climate goals.”

Europe’s strong position going into COP28 climate negotiations was underlined by Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Minister for Ecological Transition for Spain (which currently holds the EU Presidency). Following the Council meeting, Ribera Rodríguez said clearly, “Today we send a strong message to our partners: the EU is the global leader on climate action. In Dubai, we will be at the forefront of the negotiations to show the EU’s strongest commitment to the green transition and encourage our partners to follow our lead. The EU is a driving force for change and we have to speak with a single voice in the world. We can simply not use difficulties as an excuse to turn back to a pre-Paris agreement situation.”