
20 May 2019

ICLEI Europe to present sessions and showcase initiatives at EU Sustainable Energy Week

ICLEI Europe is a partnering organisation for EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), taking place from 17-21 June. The centre point of the week is the Policy Conference, which will be held from 18-20 June in ICLEI Member Brussels (Belgium), which will focus on discussing and shaping Europe’s energy future.

The Policy Conference is the biggest European conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. The event features knowledge-sharing and debate around sustainable energy challenges and solutions. The conference is free to attend, and brings together relevant stakeholders spanning public authorities, industry, civil society organisations, media, and more.

A number of ICLEI projects will be showcased through sessions, side events and stands, which make up the conference programme.

If you are interested in learning more about district energy planning, be sure to stop by the KeepWarm and THERMOS stand at the EUSEW Energy Fair. The stand is designed to help visitors identify the most sustainable and financially viable options for their district energy planning processes. Visitors will be able to test options using THERMOS’ energy planning software, and KeepWarm project partners will be on hand to provide complementary expert insights.

ICLEI Europe will also be supporting EVERYWH2ERE at their stand, which will highlight their zero emissions and zero noise ‘gensets’, and present how their fuel cells can help foster a “EU Hydrogen transition.”

The Platform on Coal Regions in Transition – a European Commission project – will also have stand at the Energy Fair. It will showcase the Platform’s approach to assisting coal regions in their transition, and will invite visitors to be part of the conversation. And, the Platform will host a session as part of the Policy Conference that will introduce the new Secretariat, overview the progress already made under the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition, and outline future initiatives and opportunities to engage with and support Europe’s coal transition. A panel discussion will convene key stakeholders to discuss the challenges, opportunities and ambitions of EU coal regions in transition in the coming years, and the role of the Platform in assisting that process.

To learn more about social acceptance for renewable energy, don’t miss the WinWind project’s session on 19 June. The session will explore how to speed up Europe’s energy transition by raising social acceptance. WinWind will also host a workshop as part of EUSEW’s Energy Days on transferring knowledge of innovative mechanisms for socially-inclusive wind energy deployment. You can register for that workshop here.

Similarly, the GrowSmarter project will present a conference session on overcoming barriers to implementing an energy transition, through case studies and a discussion on replication of successes.

Do you work at or with local authorities, and have an interest in climate action? Then be sure to check out a session run by the project Putting Regions on Track for Carbon Neutrality by 2050 (C-Track 50). It will present the role of local authorities to drive climate change action. The session will explore successful initiatives that have strengthened local action, and local authorities will share best practices for long-term energy planning and multi-level governance.

EUSEW brings together like-minded practitioners and projects. In a side event on 18 June, five EU-funded projects, including TripleA-reno, will come together to examine tools to achieve more sustainabile buildings.

In the lead-up to EUSEW, a side event took place in the Leiria Region of Portugal that aimed at informing the local community of the region's climate change action plan, as well as engaging residents around the need to save energy, and embrace more environmentally friendly behaviours and consumption patterns. The event featured insights from the PROSEU project that aims to mainstream the role of active citizen participation in energy transitions.

To learn more about the EU Sustainable Energy Week, click here.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see ICLEI Europe projects, staff, and initiatives throughout the Policy Conference, Energy Fair, and Energy Days!