
4 June 2021

Putting planning into practice: How to implement the Green City Accord indicators & achieve a healthier urban future

On 16 June from 13:00–16:00 CEST, join a Green City Accord (GCA) workshop which aims to facilitate insightful discussions regarding the practical implementation of innovative projects, initiatives, and legislation in the areas of: air, water, nature & biodiversity, noise, and waste & circular economy.

GCA signatory cities compile progress reports every three years to monitor their achievements in these areas, and pinpoint where support and/or growth is needed. To assist them in this endeavour, the GCA team has established a set of mandatory indicators that serves as a baseline for signatory cities’ monitoring and reporting processes.

The 16 June workshop, titled ‘The Green City Accord: A closer look at indicators for monitoring & reporting’, will convene signatories (and soon-to-be signatories) and supporters of the GCA to explore concrete indicators in each of the above target areas. Participants will be afforded an exceptional opportunity to receive further clarification on indicators, and will be able to pose technical questions to a virtual room full of GCA experts.

Confirmed speakers for this session include: Claudia Fusco, Head of Unit, Environmental Knowledge, Eco Innovation and SMEs, DG Environment, European Commission; Sebastian Marx, Senior EU & Environment Expert, Eurocities; Patrycja Długosz-Stroetges, Officer, Natural Resources & Environmental Management, ICLEI Europe; Bettina Wilk, Senior Officer, Nature-Based Solutions, Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity, ICLEI Europe; Nikolai Jacobi, Senior Officer, Energy, Material & Built Infrastructure, ICLEI Europe; Alis-Daniela Torres, Senior Officer, Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe; Daniela Rizzi, Senior Officer Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe; and Barbara Anton, Senior Coordinator, Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe.

Green City Accord signatories, soon-to-be signatories, and supporters can click here to register.

ICLEI Europe, Eurocities and CEMR are supporting the European Commission in developing and implementing the Accord.

To learn more about the Green City Accord, contact: