
23 January 2018

Covenant of Mayors investment forum and ceremony set to take place in February

The EU Covenant of Mayors will hold an investment forum on financing climate adaptation, clean urban transport and energy efficiency in Brussels (Belgium) on 21 February. This will be followed by the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony on 22 February, a political event which has been running since 2008.

Comprising dedicated interactive workshops, the investment forum will bring together stakeholders and practitioners from cities, regions and industry and will present 25 successful projects and initiatives covering five thematic areas: financing climate adaptation; financing clean urban transport; financing energy efficiency in public assets; delivering home renovation schemes in cities and regions; and innovative financing solutions. The full agenda is available online.

The Covenant of Mayors Ceremony will showcase how local governments develop integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies to improve energy efficiency, make greater use of renewable energy, and brace for climate hazards. The ceremony will also provide participants with the opportunity to network with EU decision makers.

For more information about the investment forum, visit the event website. For more information about the ceremony, click here.