
25 June 2010

Creating a CO2 free district of the future in Copenhagen

The city of Copenhagen is busily working on achieving its goal of becoming C02 neutral by 2025. As part of its plan the ICLEI member city is focusing on creating a CO2 free city district.

Amager Faelled Bykvarter is the chosen area and Copenhagen has prepared catalogues which show that in the long-term the transition to CO2 neutral can be made at no higher cost than a conventional urban area. The plan has not been accepted yet but is clearly an innovative and ambitious initiative. The vision includes a street plan with a clear hierarchy of streets and squares, no long straight roads, shifts in the building structure and varied successions of open and closed spaces to create shelter.

All buildings will be low energy, using less than 50 percent of the energy of standard buildings. A major percentage of the energy will come from wind turbines, with buildings also equipped with solar cells and panels. In the year 2010, a resident of Amager Faelled Bykvarter will use 65 percent less energy than a Copenhagener consumed in 2008. To clearly show its vision of Amager Faelled Bykvarter the city produced a video. The case study is a part of the many projects developed in the municipality of Copenhagen in relation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.

For further information, contact Annette Egetoft at aneget(at)