
28 September 2021

ICLEI Members commit to a clean and healthy future

Since its launch one year ago, 26 ICLEI Members have signed the Green City Accord, committing to ambitious improvements in five key environmental areas.

On 22 September, the Green City Accord celebrated a significant milestone at a hybrid ceremony: 73 cities have signed the political commitment – 26 of those signatories are ICLEI Members. This demonstrates ICLEI cities' commitment to working together to forge a sustainable future.

At the ceremony, Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, welcomed nine new signatories live, including ICLEI Members Florence (Italy), Burgas (Bulgaria), Gothenburg (Sweden), Utrecht (the Netherlands), and Vantaa (Finland). The Commissioner applauded the commitment of cities that aim to make improvements in the five key areas of air, water, nature and biodiversity, circular economy and waste, and noise, saying: “Today, it’s all about you. Europe needs...cities and mayors who are determined to involve local stakeholders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and young people to build a better, greener future… Today’s event is a milestone reflecting the spirit of our partnership. It shows that we can go forward together, building a greener environment where the quality of life matters.”

Reaffirming commitment to a clean and healthy future

The event, which fell a year after the initiative’s launch, provided a key opportunity for mayors and city leaders to reaffirm their commitment and to enhance engagement.

Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the European Committee of the Regions and Governor of the Greek region of Central Macedonia, underscored the importance of the Green City Accord, which prioritises leaders at the local level in efforts to build a cleaner and healthier Europe for all citizens. He explained: “The green energy transition and preservation of our precious environment will happen in our cities, regions and villages, or it will not happen at all. The Green City Accord demonstrates the level of local ambition, local commitment, and local leadership found across Europe, determined to protect our planet and leave a sustainable future for our people.”

ICLEI Members highlight the transformative potential of the Accord

Throughout the ceremony, the Deputy Mayors of Utrecht, Gothenburg, Florence, Vantaa and Burgas highlighted the Green City Accord’s ability to help local authorities leverage change in five areas that are essential to quality of life. The Deputy Mayors raised points about how the Accord’s integrated approach has bridged the gap between local actors and legislation that exists at the EU and national levels.

Vesna Baltina, Deputy Mayor of Strategic Development, Ecology, Digitalisation and Adaptation to Climate Change of Burgas, Bulgaria, shared an example of what her city hopes to accomplish as a signatory of the Green City Accord: “The system of green corridors [in Burgas] will have a positive effect on air quality and will ensure healthier living quarters for citizens through green pedestrian walkways, [which will] be our new city connection toward considerable progress in conserving and enhancing urban diversity and biodiversity.”

Meanwhile, Eelco Eerenberg, Deputy Mayor of Utrecht, emphasised the transformative potential of the Accord and cities’ role in leading a critical environmental transition, saying: “Utrecht decided to put health at the core of all of our policies. And, in order to achieve healthy urban living for everybody, we need to be a greener city each and every day… As the Commissioner said, we are front-runners in this agenda and I think we could actually learn from each other, and by learning and implementing each other’s lessons we are going to speed up this essential transformation.”

A blueprint for a greener future

Not only does the Accord offer ample opportunity for cities to foster knowledge exchanges and act as leaders on an international stage, but it also provides an excellent blueprint for a cleaner and healthier future: “The Green City Accord complements the Covenant of Mayors with questions, aside from climate management, [which] are crucial for us as a big city to tackle. Without preventing noise, air and water pollution and accelerating the transition to a circular economy, enriching urban biodiversity, our city cannot grow in a sustainable way,” confirms Emmyly Bönfors, Deputy Mayor of Gothenburg.

For the Mayor of Vantaa, Ritva Viljanen, the Accord’s approach to environmental issues was missing from the EU stage for too long. “The Green City Accord is an important initiative. Before there have already been initiatives and contracts specifically for climate change issues…However when it comes to other environmental issues and topics there have not been similar initiatives and networks for cities. The Green City Accord is filling this void with its five commitment areas.”

Joining forces to achieve common goals

For any cities that still hold doubts about the benefits of joining the Green City Accord, Cecilia Del Re, Deputy Mayor of Florence, Italy, iterated the main reasons to sign: “We joined the Green City Accord for three main reasons… First, the quality of life of people comes first in our city, it is what drives our urban policies… Second, we have seen the central role of cities. We truly make a difference and generate significant impact when we join forces and work towards common goals… Third, it’s an opportunity to become a strategic partner of a collaboration between cities and the Commission.”

The Green City Accord is a movement of European cities committed to safeguarding the environment. In signing the Green City Accord, city leaders agree to take further action to protect the natural environment and to achieve ambitious goals by 2030 in five important areas: air, water, nature & biodiversity, waste & circular economy, and noise.

Eurocities, ICLEI Europe, and CEMR are supporting the European Commission in developing and implementing the Green City Accord.

To learn more about the Accord, please visit or contact: