
17 November 2022

Meet this year’s Transformative Action Award finalists

Today, Caldes de Montbui (Catalonia, Spain), the City of Łódź (Poland) and the Valea Jiului Development Society Project, located in the Jiu Valley of Petrila (Romania), were revealed as finalists for the sixth edition of the Transformative Action Award. The award is organised by ICLEI Europe and the City of Aalborg (Denmark) with support from the European Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank.

The Transformative Action Award recognises ongoing or concluded Transformative Actions that advance socio-cultural, socio-economic or technological transformations, while furthering the local implementation of the European Green Deal. These actions also underscore the critical role that local governments and organisations play in achieving global commitments, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Europe is experiencing great uncertainty. In light of the war in Ukraine and soaring energy prices, the climate crisis and an ongoing pandemic, many people are struggling to envision a better future. Despite these challenges, local governments and civil society organisations continue to forge sustainable, equitable transitions that drive transformative change for a better future in our societies. This year’s Transformative Action Award finalists are a perfect example of this," remarks Wolfgang Teubner, Regional Director of ICLEI Europe and Transformative Action Award jury member, underscoring the exceptional nature of the 2022 finalists.

A closer look at this year’s finalists

Caldes de Montbui (Spain) was selected as a finalist for its local energy community that prioritises CO2 emission reductions, photovoltaic energy use, and the involvement of citizens in co-designing a new model for energy efficiency and independence. The action also seeks to fight energy poverty and ensure that every person has access to safe, renewable and affordable energy.

Meanwhile, the City of Łódź (Poland) snatched a spot in the top three due to its City Development Strategy, which frames the third largest Polish city as a ‘living organism’ and aims to improve quality of life, regenerate urban space and introduce the localised implementation of the European Green Deal. The entire process - from conception to the beginning stages of implementation - has included more than 1,500 stakeholders and citizens.

Finally, the Valea Jiului Development Society Project stood out to the jury for its civil society coalition of 21 local NGOs that is spearheading systemic change in the former mining region. The project seeks to build a sustainable future for residents. The numerous initiatives that fall under the Valea Jiuliu's umbrella aim to strengthen local civil society, promote sustainable development, foster collaboration and promote equitable investments.

The winner of the Transformative Action Award will be crowned at a ceremony in Brussels on 9 December as part of a European Committee of the Regions ENVE Commission meeting. The winner will receive €10,000 to support or kick-start a Transformative Action in their community, in addition to being presented with a trophy and the right to call themselves “Transformative Action of the Year 2022”.

For more information on the award and finalists, visit the Sustainable Cities Platform.