
14 May 2020

Make your city smart with help from the EIP-SCC

Is your city looking to make investments in the areas of energy, transport & mobility, or ICT? Do you have plans to develop projects in these areas?

The European Commission's ‘EIP-SCC Marketplace’ initiative is supporting projects in need of financing, by matching them with its established Investor Network. If you have a project concept that is mature enough to be pitched to an investor, submit your idea today!

You can also submit less mature project ideas for a chance at being selected to receive the support of Smart City professionals across Europe in shaping your project proposal.

How it works

After completing and submitting an intake form, the EIP-SCC matchmaking team will verify your submission, get back to you with any questions for clarification and, once resolved, submit your project concept to those investors whose investment strategy matches your project.

Once an investor is interested in learning more about your project, EIP-SCC will put you in touch to facilitate a one-on-one investment conversation. During the coronavirus pandemic, these meetings will be organised virtually.

What if your project concepts are not yet ready?

Not a problem! The EIP-SCC Marketplace offers plenty of existing solutions to explore and get inspired by. Furthermore, the initiative will help you to engage with the Smart City community to shape your project idea and make it mature enough to be matched with our investors.

To learn more, join an upcoming EIP-SCC webinar led by ICLEI Europe on ‘Delivery models, funding & procurement for smart cities’. The webinar will take place on 18 June from 10:00-11:30 CEST. Read more by clicking here

For more information on submitting your project, click here.