
22 January 2020

ICLEI announced as key partner for Earth Day 50th Anniversary

"Earth Day" has been marked each year since 1970, when 20 million people mobilised for environmental protection. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

The Earth Day Network coordinates annual Earth Days, and educates and activates the environmental movement worldwide. The Network is delighted to announce that ICLEI has become a key partner for this year. For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the organisations will work to elevate the climate leadership of local governments and advance sustainable solutions by engaging cities and their millions of inhabitants.

ICLEI joins thousands of other groups and entities worldwide who are dedicated to making environmental action a cornerstone in this crucial year. This will build on the wave of engagement for climate action that is building worldwide, as seen in the Fridays for Future movement.

Kathleen Rogers, President of the Earth Day Network, said: “I am delighted to welcome ICLEI into the Earth Day family and am sure that together we can make 2020 a year that can help change the course of history.”

“From climate change and the loss of species to rising waste in our rivers, seas and oceans the world and its people are facing major challenges that threaten lives, livelihoods and the very health of our planet. 2020 needs to be the year when humanity truly starts to turn this around and we are determined to play our part,” she added.

Gino Van Begin, Secretary General of ICLEI explained, "50 years ago, the first Earth Day motivated over 20 million people to take to the streets to protect our environment. Today we are seeing that mobilization once more against climate change, and ICLEI is proud to partner with Earth Day Network to celebrate the power of people to organize for the planet. Earth Day’s 50th anniversary is the chance for us to take action to protect all of our environment, while at the same time celebrating the beautiful planet we have inherited."

Today, Earth Day is observed in around 190 countries and mobilises one billion people and close to 100,000 organisations. The overarching theme for Earth Day 2020, taking place on 22 April, is action on climate change.

For more information, click here.