
12 September 2018

Only five weeks left to apply for the European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards

With only five weeks left before applications close, don’t miss your opportunity to apply for the European Green Capital and European Green Leaf Awards

The European Green Capital Award (EGCA), now in its eleventh year, is awarded annually to a European city of over 100,000 inhabitants that has shown itself to be a leader in environmental, social and economic sustainability. The winner of the 2021 award will receive €350,000 to kick-start its year as a European Green Capital.

The European Green Leaf Award (EGLA) is open to towns and cities with between 20,000 and 100,000 inhabitants, to recognise and promote their efforts towards better environmental management and outcomes. The winner of the 2020 award will receive €75,000 to support its activities throughout its European Green Leaf year.  

Being a European Green Capital or a European Green Leaf brings many benefits including, a greater focus on environmental projects, increased tourism and foreign investment, boosting the local economy and helping to create employment.

EGCA and EGLA winners and shortlisted cities also gain access to the exclusive European Green Capital Network and European Green Leaf Network, respectively, providing them with support and a platform for sharing knowledge and best practice.

Applying for awards could also give you the opportunity to receive expert feedback and guidance on your city’s approach to a wide range of sustainability topics, including Climate Change Mitigation; Climate Change Adaptation; Sustainable Urban Mobility; Sustainable Land Use, and Nature & Biodiversity, just to name a few.  

The deadline for applications for the 2021 European Green Capital and 2020 European Green Leaf Awards is 18 October 2018.

For more information, click here.