Publications & tools

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European sustainability award launched at Change the Change conference

Win 10,000 EUR and be recognised as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2019 Transformative Action Award

How can your city become future-proof?

The brochure includes transformation pathways from European Green Capital Network members and practical tips for local governments looking for ways to make their cities and towns future-proof.
Press release
26 April 2018

Local authorities urged to join EU process for improving quality of life in cities at Bonn event

The Italian municipality of Bologna called for local authorities attending Open European Day 2018 in Bonn
(Germany) today to join them in contributing to the EU Urban Agenda
Guidance document

European Resilience Management Guideline

The European Resilience Management Guideline defines an operational framework for cities that provides guidance on local resilience planning and supports their efforts in building resilience. The European Resilience Management Guideline aims to direct available resources towards defined goals, while securing transparency and the democratic principles of decision-making for city resilience development and planning.
Press release
27 November 2017

EU Preis für beste Webseite geht erneut nach Freiburg

Die vom ICLEI Europasekretariat in Freiburg entwickelte Webseite wurde mit dem eu.Web Award 2017 in der Kategorie „The Laurels“ ausgezeichnet.
Der Preis würdigt die besten auf .eu endenden Webseiten in Hinblick auf Design und Inhalt. Durch konstant hohe Kommunikationskompetenz und inhaltliche Qualität konnte ICLEI die Auszeichnung bereits im zweiten Jahr in Folge nach Freiburg bringen. Im Jahr 2016 hatte ICLEI bereits mit der Webseite
Guidance document

RAMSES Transition Handbook and Training Package

The Transition Handbook and the Training Package are 2 of the key tools produced by the RAMSES Project to support cities in their adaptation work.

The Transition Handbook embeds the most important findings from the project in a process management cycle, using the Urban Adaptation Support Tool developed by the European Environment Agency, and synthetises the project results in a practical step-by-step fashion, presenting resources that cities can use to strengthen their knowledge of climate ad...

15 Pathways to localise the Sustainable Development Goals

Inspiration from Cities implementing local actions contributing to global goals.