Publications & tools

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Mainstreaming prosumerism

Prosumerism has the potential to drastically contribute to climate neutrality targets and to make the energy transition socially-inclusive and beneficial for all. To support this, the PROSEU project proposes a set of policy recommendations for mainstreaming prosumerism in Europe.

Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

ICLEI Europe's position on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) as of February 2021.

Executive Summary – Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

One-page summary of ICLEI's position on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) as of February 2021.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU Energy Efficiency Directive

ICLEI Europe's position on the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU’s Social Climate Fund

ICLEI Europe's position on the Social Climate Fund, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU Renewable Energy Rules

ICLEI Europe’s position on the EU Renewable Energy Rules, submitted to the European Commission as part of the Fit-for-55 consultation process.

Stakeholder Mapping (Deliverable 2.1)

This project deliverable discusses the meaning of stakeholders for the project, an approach to stakeholder engagement and an initial stakeholder mapping. Furthermore, it provides a template for documenting stakeholder activities. The stakeholder mapping categorizes stakeholders based on who they are, their interest(s) and what their engagement in BuiltHub could be. This mapping exercise allowed for a better understanding of the stakeholder groups needed by the project to ensure full representati...

BuiltHub project introduction video (Deliverable 7.6)

This first project video introduces the project and provides a general scope of the planned activities and targeted users. This product will be a fundamental digital tool to disseminate through online channels, specifically its website and social media, to connect with stakeholders and achieve impacts. View the video here.

Project Flyer (Deliverable 7.4)

This project flyer is a clear, concise and visual explanation of the BuiltHub project. It communicates the planned project activities and community of users, as well as the planned capabilities of the BuiltHub platform. The flyer also acts as a useful tool to inform readers how they can get involved in the project.