Publications & tools

Guidance document

Policy Brief #04: A roadmap for the EU and Europe: Integrating adaptive heritage reuse in wider Eu policies, programmes and practices

AHR projects are about the past, the present and the future, where tangible and intangible heritage from the past that is valued now is sustained for the future while simultaneously given new purpose as part of ongoing social, economic, environmental and cultural transformation. As such, AHR can be a tool that contributes to achieving, for example, community engagement, higher quality of life regeneration, waste reduction, and/or emissions reduction. Reuse and renovation are already integrated to a certain extent within the European Green Deal, and the New European Bauhaus. We recommend that for this to be truly effective AHR, and in particular AHR that is locally-led, should be facilitated by, incentivised by and integrated in a much wider set of EU policies and strategies including, but not limited to, current Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Just Transition Fund, Research and Innovation and specifically Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, policies supporting SMEs and entrepreneurship, the Social Economy Action Plan, the new long-term Vision for Rural Areas, and, of course, Cohesion Policy.
