Publications & tools

Latest ( 163 - 171 from 226 )

Guidance document

RAMSES Transition Handbook and Training Package

The Transition Handbook and the Training Package are 2 of the key tools produced by the RAMSES Project to support cities in their adaptation work.

The Transition Handbook embeds the most important findings from the project in a process management cycle, using the Urban Adaptation Support Tool developed by the European Environment Agency, and synthetises the project results in a practical step-by-step fashion, presenting resources that cities can use to strengthen their knowledge of climate ad...
Online tool

Resilience Maturity Model

The Resilience Maturity Model provides a common understanding of the resilience building process. Using the Resilience Maturity Model, CITIES are asked to consider CITY’s current status of resilience. The model then helps to identify the correct policies to implement in order for the CITY to evolve and move to the next maturity stage.

Handbook of good practice case studies for promotion of walking and cycling

This handbook presents good practice case studies for promotion of walking and cycling and highlights successful measures across the transport planning and public health domains that had a health dimension embedded.
Guidance document

Buying Green! A handbook on green public procurement

The Buying Green handbook was developed by ICLEI and is the European Commission's main guidance document to help public authorities buy goods and services with a lower environmental impact.
Guidance document

The Procura+ Manual

A Guide to Implementing Sustainable Procurement (3rd Edition)

Open Governance in the Smart City

Through eleven cases – 9 European and 2 non-European cities - the report provides an overview of the variety of approaches local governments and communities can take to ICT enabled open governance. In addition to describing the different approaches, the report also discusses risks and challenges, concluding with a number of recommendations.

Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil

Berlin Sustainability Profile
Guidance document

The Basque Declaration

The Basque Declaration outlines new pathways for European Cities and Towns to create productive, sustainable and resilient cities for a liveable and inclusive Europe. The document aims to support and accelerate socio-cultural, socio-economic and technological transformation. The Basque Declaration was acclaimed by the participants of the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, held in the Basque Country from 27-29 April 2016, and it is an important step following the Aalborg C...

Final report for TEST PROJECT

[Short description:] In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.