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Press release
18 September 2018

CIVITAS Forum 2018 - Moving towards Europe's inclusive and multimodal mobility future

The magnitude of transport’s social dimension is becoming increasingly clear - mobility shapes lives and prospects. It is vital that transport systems are environmentally friendly, inclusive, efficient, and centred on meeting diverse user needs. Yet how can this be accomplished?
Under the banner of "Mobility for U and Me", this year's CIVITAS Forum, which is taking place from 19-21 September in Umeå, Sweden, will examine this critical question.

Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities, the ROCK project.

ROCK stands for Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities. The project relies on a "circular model" as an integrated vision of urban regeneration. This circular model is based on 6 connected pillars: creative, cultural, regeneration, knowledge, security and green circles that interconnect to draw the future of cities.
Guidance document

Guidance for public authorities on Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)

This Guide is aimed primarily at those who areresponsible for planning and executing procurementprocedures (procurers). It offers detailed informationabout the ‘why, what and how’ of PPI, includingcase studies from public authorities across Europe,explanations of procedures, definitions and answers tocommon questions. It may also be of interest to policymakers, consultants, private companies and otherswho have a stake in successful PPI. There is a growingcommunity of individuals and ...
Guidance document

Smart SPP - Driving sustainable innovation through public procurement in your region

A practical guide for public authorities

Success Stories in Socially Responsible Public Procurement

Using Public Spending to drive improvements for workers in global supply chains

GPP 2020 - Procurement for a low-carbon economy

GPP 2020 has demonstrated the hugeenergy and CO2 savings which publicauthorities in Europe can make byprocuring innovative products, servicesand works. This report is a summary of the results.

INNOCAT - A collection of good practice cases

Procurement of eco-innovative catering - engaging the market in public procurement
Press release
21 January 2019

Increasing the Social Acceptance of Wind Energy: Horizon2020 project WinWind feeds policy processes across Europe

Aiming to raise the social acceptance of wind energy, the WinWind project managed to establish ongoing and evolving stakeholder and policy dialogues in selected regions with comparatively low wind energy prevalence over the last year. In Spain and Latvia, project partners were invited to share the experiences gained in feed national and regional policy making processes, ensuring the establishment of inclusive procedures.

Informed Cities Newsletter

The Newsletter shares and discusses activities and results of governance and social innovation research projects.