ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap

The ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap for Post-conflict Resilience and Recovery operates as an overarching framework for supporting Ukrainian cities in achieving their sustainability and post-war recovery targets. It also establishes the grounds towards realising cities' demand-led war fragilities, and develops a mechanism for empowering governance decentralisation efforts. This will help shift investments from a humanitarian response into energy, reconstruction and human security urgent needs, together with strategic planning for long-term opportunities in achieving Climate Neutrality, Adaptation and Resilient sustainable development in association with the European Local Green Deal (LGD).

The LGD operates as a process for employing an ‘inside-out’ approach of mapping the existing initiatives and key stakeholders involved at the local level, to define the main gaps in supply-led interventions, and help Ukrainian cities prioritise and best manage investments of European and International aid. It also helps to address the questions: "Resilience of What" and "Resilience to What" to direct financing towards enhancing their institutional capacities and advance human, physical, social and financial capital required to guide municipal services asset allocation into adjusted long-term returns.


Established in January 2024, the Roadmap activities were formed based on the monitoring of the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine - loss and damage in association with climate change hazards and socio-economic vulnerabilities, while mapping the wide spectrum of existing initiatives and projects on the ground, to better understand the resilience investment landscape, what actions are taking place, by whom, where and what impact its making on the ground, in order to better define the needs and priorities of Ukrainian cities and communities, and coordinate efforts between different actors through comprehensive urban recovery planning at all levels, leaving no one behind. Aimed at strengthening multi-level governance and bridging the soils for the engagement of key stakeholders at the national, local and regional levels, the ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap comes into place to help local governments uphold public services continuity while taking on additional responsibilities to aid the war effort by achieving the following objectives:

  1. To empower local self-government and multi-level decision making, through providing cities with demand-driven advisory services on Sustainable planning, Resilience assessment & adaptive risk governance.
  2. To operate as a City-to-City Knowledge Platform, to help exchange good practices between Ukrainian and EU cities, share expertise and technical assistance for Reconstruction Recovery to build back better.
  3. To help implement Ukrainian cities and communities vision and strategies, through joint applications for financing, and technical assistance for projects procurement.


Access the Roadmap here.


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