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Past events

2 October 2020, 09:30 - 11:00

Mannheim2020 Conference Toolbox session: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network

The European Green Capital Network Secretariat invites you to join its session “Toolbox: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network”, taking place on 2 October as part of the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns: Mannheim2020.During 2018-2020, the European Green...
2 October 2020, 09:30 - 11:00

Mannheim2020 Conference Toolbox session: THERMOS open-source web-tool for optimised district energy planning

The THERMOS toolbox session will provide participants with the opportunity to explore the THERMOS open-source energy planning software as a viable tool to accelerate their local energy transition by enabling faster and more cost-effective low-carbon thermal district energy planning.The session will ...
30 September - 2 October 2020


9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

(Virtually) hosted by the City of Mannheim and ICLEI Europe, the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns will open its doors for the 9th time from 30 September - 2 October 2020, in a new online format. The conference will demonstrate the urgent need for local governm...
15 September 2020, 11:30 - 13:00

Fighting for Local Power: how a UK Bill seeks to support local energy producers

SONNET online seminar series

Register today for the third SONNET online seminar! The event will dive into campaigning on local renewable energy, exploring the example of the (currently being debated) "Local Electricity Bill" in the UK, which aims at enabling local energy producers to directly sell their energy and thus create a...
10 July 2020, 10:00 - 11:30

Keeping our cities efficiently warm

First in a series of KeepWarm webinars on the modernisation of district heating systems

The KeepWarm project aims to accelerate cost-effective investment in the modernisation of district heating systems (DHS), particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, where DHS are often old, inefficient and remain overly reliant on fossil fuels. KeepWarm promotes sustainable pathways to retrofit ex...
24 June 2020, 10:00 - 16:00

Future energy systems: prosumer islands or a new fully interconnected community?

The PROSEU project is organising the third in its series of international workshops on exploring future system configurations for new decentralised and digitalised energy systems. Are you curious about the potential of prosumer technology for our future energy provision? Do you want to get insights ...
10 June 2020, 10:00 - 12:00

Smart City Deep Dive with Umeå

Learn and exchange the latest on smart control technology

With most of Europe working remotely, the RUGGEDISED project is happy to invite to a Digital Deep Dive session focused on the ICLEI Member Umeå (Sweden). Sitting on the edge of the Arctic Circle, Umeå is a young and modern city, with a population of 124,000. There, the natural world co-e...
9 June 2020, 10:00 - 11:30

Citizen Finance: people investing in their cities’ sustainable future

A Covenant of Mayors & C-Track 50 webinar

Join the second Covenant of Mayors - C-Track 50 webinar on 9 June! Climate change is considered one of the major problems facing our societies. Citizens have realised the importance of acting rapidly towards its mitigation by pushing decision-makers for immediate action. The European Commission rec...
8 June 2020, 11:30 - 12:30

Social Innovation and the Energiewende: lessons and outlooks from Germany

SONNET webinar series

The SONNET project invites you to to explore the role of social innovation in the energy transition through the example of the German Energiewende. Meaningful energy transition requires extensive technical effort, as well as social and institutional change. Where does Germany currently stand with i...