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Past events

15 January 2019, 13:00 - 17:30
Brussels, Belgium

Upscaling Hydrogen Gensets in European Cities

ICLEI Europe, in cooperation with the EVERYWH2ERE project, is organising a city-oriented workshop on “Upscaling Hydrogen Genets in European Cities”. The event will highlight modern Fuel Cell and Hydrogen (FCH) technologies as clean alternatives to fossil fuel generators in providing...
13 December 2018, 11:00 - 12:30

Exploring the potential of district heating and cooling in cities

Covenant of Mayors webinar

In many European cities, heating and cooling are responsible for a significant share of local energy consumption and GHG emissions. In this context, District Heating and Cooling (DHC) technologies emerge as an option to provide local, affordable and low-carbon energy. While district heating and coo...
Award Ceremony
15 November 2018
Brussels, Belgium

2018 Transformative Action Award

Award Ceremony

On 15 November 2018, the award ceremony of the 2018 Transformative Action Award will take place at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels (Belgium). The 2018 Transformative Action Award, which is co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, The Basque Country...
24 - 26 October 2018
Freiburg and Basel

Local Renewables Conference 2018

Urban transformation to a Circular Economy

The City of Freiburg, the City of Basel and ICLEI Europe will host the Local Renewables Conference 2018, which will take place on 24-26 October 2018, in Freiburg (Germany) and Basel (Switzerland). Rising global energy needs remain a major challenge, with cities and regions being central players in ...
18 September 2018, 10:30 - 12:00

Prosumers in the EU Clean Energy Package and future national plans – What is key in 2018 and beyond?

This webinar, organised by the PROSEU – Prosumers for the energy transition project, focused on Prosumer involvement in the EU Clean Energy Package. The Clean Energy Package will provide various opportunities for strengthening Prosumer initiatives across the EU. The laws adopted within the Pa...
19 - 22 June 2018
Montréal, Canada

ICLEI World Congress 2018

In our increasingly urban world, cities and their surrounding regions have a growing influence on global patterns of production, consumption, innovation and technological development. At the same time, they are experiencing rapid change, brought about by urbanization, climate change, shifting demogr...
1 - 2 March 2018
London, United Kingdom

Smart Sustainable Cities workshop, London

ICLEI Europe is partnering with Tynos Consulting, The Lunar Works, Future Earth Ltd and Resilience Brokers Ltd to host the inaugural UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Smart Sustainable Cities Initiative on 1 - 2 March in London.The initiative will act as a long-term opportunity to forge strong city...
5 September 2017
Brussels, Belgium

25th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Lowering energy use in family homes - the FIESTA approach

The 25th edition of ICLEI's long-running Breakfast at Sustainability's series was held on Tuesday 5 September, focusing on the work of the EU-funded FIESTA project. ICLEI hosted the event in association with project coordinator AREA Science Park Trieste. FIESTA helps families with children to save ...
29 June 2011
Brussels, Belgium

9th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Smart procurement - reducing costs and saving energy

The event aimed to explore the mutually beneficial relationship that exists between manufacturers and local governments in the production and procurement of low-carbon, energy efficient products. Many manufacturers are reluctant to invest in the development of innovative technologies because of conc...