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Past events

15 June 2015

GPP 2020 Webinar

Boosting Sustainable Energy Supply and Efficiency through Smart Public Tendering

Policy-makers and action managers in charge of reaching sustainability targets in municipalities, regions and countries must consider how to ensure renewable energy supply and efficiency in public procurement. This webinar, organised within the GPP 2020 project, will present practical knowledge and ...
9 June 2015, 14:30 - 16:00

Webinar: Life-cycle costing in public procurement

Life-cycle costing (LCC) is a useful tool that could deliver financial savings as well as reductions in the environmental impact of purchases made by public authorities. The European Commission aims to encourage wider use of LCC by making tools and helpful approaches more widely available to Europea...
8 - 10 June 2015
Bonn, Germany

Resilient Cities 2015

Resilient Cities - The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation - is the global platform for urban resilience and climate change adaptation, hosted every year in Bonn. The congress offers a number of sessions and events on a wide variety of topics among which were urban risk data and i...
7 - 10 June 2015
Málaga, Spain

CIVITAS Summer Course

Sustainable Mobility for a Better Life

The CIVITAS Initiative is running a three-day summer course from 7 - 10 June in the Spanish city of Málaga. The course will look at sustainable urban mobility in the context of quality of life in cities. There is great potential for sustainable urban mobility to contribute to making cities more ple...
30 May - 5 June 2015
Across Europe

European Sustainable Development Week

European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW), in official partnership with ICLEI, will take place 30 May – 5 June 2015.The ESDW is a European-wide initiative supported by the European Sustainable Development Network to stimulate and make visible activities, projects and events that promote sustain...
28 May 2015
Leipzig, Germany

TIDE and SOLUTIONS workshop at ITF Annual Summit

The TIDE and SOLUTIONS projects will host a workshop at the Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum in Leipzig on 28 May 2015, focusing on the practical deployment of innovation in urban transport. Workshop participants will receive insight into societal trends that are shaping the future...
27 May 2015, - 12:30
Brussels, Belgium

18th Breakfast at Sustainability's

David or Goliath: Engaging cities and citizens towards Paris climate change negotiations

The 18th session in the long-running Breakfast at Sustainability's series explored how cities and citizens can be engaged in the run up to the international climate negotiations (COP21) in Paris. Many agree that the battle on climate change will be won or lost in cities yet only two countries (Cana...
21 May 2015
Riga, Latvia

Low-Carbon Procurement in Practice

Low-carbon public procurement shows tangible results in the fight against climate change all across Europe, saving ten thousands of CO2e emissions. The two European support and implementation projects GPP 2020 and PRIMES offer you an insight into good practice, smart solutions and how to overcome ob...
21 May 2015
Brussels, Belgium

Introducing clean vehicles into public fleets

Recommendations for EU and national decision makers

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in European cities requires the rapid and wide-scale inclusion of vehicles using alternative fuels in publicly-owned fleets. But how can this be achieved?The Clean Fleets project has produced a series of policy recommendations based on work...