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Past events

4 May 2017
Brussels, Belgium

23rd Breakfast at Sustainability's

How to develop and achieve a lively and car-free city centre

The City of Oslo (Norway) and ICLEI held the 23rd Breakfast at Sustainability's (B@S) on Thursday 4 May 2017 in Brussels (Belgium) on the topic of creating attractive car-free city centres. Truly sustainable cities continuously strive to maximise the quality of life of their citizens. However, many...
3 May 2017, 9:00 - 18:00
Bonn, Germany

Open European Day 2017

The fourth Open European Day at Bonn Resilient Cities will bring together key adaptation actors from different organizations: cities and city networks, regional and national governments, researchers, adaptation experts and European representatives.This year’s Open European Day will expand on previ...
4 April 2017, 10:00 - 17:00
Berlin, Germany

European Workshop on Resilience in Cities and Communities

Cities across Europe are facing complex environmental, social and economic challenges as well as an increasing frequency and intensity of hazards and disasters. Cities need to work together to enhance Europe’s resilience as a whole: this requires standardised resilience management. Smart Mature Re...
3 - 4 April 2017
Bonn, Germany

2nd RAMSES Training Event

The EU-funded RAMSES project will hold a training event for cities this April, showing participants how to use the RAMSES project results to support their local adaptation planning.Cities will learn how to:- Calculate the impacts of climate change on public health and the costs connected to them, as...
30 - 31 March 2017, 9:00 - 17:00
Trier, Germany

Annual Conference on European Public Procurement Law 2017

The Annual Conference on European Public Procurement Law 2017 will take place the 30-31 of March 2017 in Trier, Germany. The event will bring together legal practitioners to discuss the latest legislative and jurisprudential developments. Conference key topics will include the implementation of the ...
29 March 2017, 10:00
Frankfurt, Germany

PPI4Waste Workshop for innovative procurement in waste management

The PPI4Waste workshop for Innovative Procurement (PPI) in Waste management for innovative procurement, organised by ICLEI and KOINNO, will take place in Frankfurt on 29 March 2017 from 10:00 until 15:00.The PPI4Waste project aims to achieve resource efficiency, sustainable waste management and sust...
29 - 30 March 2017
Dubrovnik, Croatia

4th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

The European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans is the principal annual event enabling an international community of practitioners, policy makers, city staff and academics from across Europe to come together to debate key issues, highlight developments in mobility planning and exchange i...
16 March 2017
Brussels, Belgium

Activating a market for deep-renovation through building additions: regulatory challenges

ABRACADABRA aims to build confidence and demonstrate the attractiveness of a new renovation strategy that boosts the energy performance of buildings.The new strategy is based on volumetric Add-Ons and Renewables (AdoRes) - in other words additions to the side, top or façade of buildings, or even en...
13 March 2017
Brussels, Belgium

22nd Breakfast at Sustainability's

Alternative green city financing through participatory budgeting and crowdfunding

The City of Wrocław (Poland) and ICLEI held the 22nd Breakfast at Sustainability's (B@S) on Monday 13 March 2017 in Brussels (Belgium) on the topic of participatory budgeting and civic crowdfunding for green cities. The session looked at how good ideas can transform cities into better, greener pla...